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ASI can assist with BRCGS certification by providing expert guidance and support throughout the certification process, ensuring compliance with BRCGS standards and enhancing food safety practices.


At ASI, we understand the significance of upholding the highest standards of quality and safety in the industries we serve. Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our adherence to BRCGS (Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards) certification.



BRCGS (BRC) Global Food certification is carried out against the BRCGS Food Safety Standard, a leading global brand recognised by thousands of customers worldwide. It has certificated over 18,000 suppliers in over 100 countries around the globe. It was also the first Food Safety Standard to be benchmarked by the GFSI. The BRCGS food certification standard is designed to protect the consumer, ensuring that manufacturers and suppliers involved in the food chain meet their obligations.

BRCGS Global Food certification can be used by any food processing operation where open food is handled, processed or packed. This could be from primary products such as fresh produce pack houses and slaughterhouses through to processed foods, canneries and ready to eat products.


BRCGS certification is a globally recognized certification program that sets out standards for food safety, quality, and operational criteria across various industries. It provides a framework for companies to establish and maintain robust systems ensuring the safety, quality, and legality of their products.


The certification covers multiple sectors such as food manufacturing, packaging, storage, distribution, and consumer products. It assists organizations in implementing best practices related to hygiene, manufacturing processes, risk management (like Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - HACCP), and quality management systems.



Food safety isn't just a box to check; it's a core value. At ASI, we understand that. We go beyond simply providing BRCGS certification services. We become your trusted partner, working alongside you to achieve operational excellence.

Our comprehensive approach equips you with the tools and expertise needed to not only meet BRCGS standards but to surpass them. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, ASI empowers you to consistently deliver the safest, highest-quality food products possible.

Choose ASI, and choose more than just certification. Choose a partnership dedicated to your success. Together, let's build a food industry where safety and quality are not just met, but exceeded.



Contact ASI today and let's take the first step towards BRCGS Certification. 


Understand the Standards:

  • Research: Familiarize yourself with the specific BRCGS standard relevant to your industry (e.g., Food Safety, Packaging Materials, Storage and Distribution).
  • Training: Consider training courses or workshops to understand the requirements thoroughly. BRCGS offers training programs.

Gap Analysis:

  • Self-Assessment: Conduct a self-assessment or gap analysis to compare your current practices against the BRCGS standard.
  • Consultation: Engage with a BRCGS consultant if needed, to identify areas that require improvement.

Develop a Plan:

  • Action Plan: Create a detailed action plan to address the gaps identified. This plan should include timelines, responsibilities, and resources needed.
  • Documentation: Develop or update your documentation to meet BRCGS requirements, including policies, procedures, and records.

Implement Changes:

  • Operational Changes: Implement necessary changes in processes, equipment, and facilities to comply with the standard.
  • Training: Train employees on new procedures and ensure they understand their roles in maintaining compliance.

Internal Audits:

  • Conduct Audits: Perform internal audits to check compliance with the standard. Internal audits help identify any non-conformities and areas for improvement.
  • Corrective Actions: Address any non-conformities found during internal audits through corrective actions.

Select a Certification Body:

  • Choose a Certifier: Select an accredited certification body that is approved to issue BRCGS certifications.
  • Pre-Assessment: Some certification bodies offer a pre-assessment or readiness review to help you prepare for the actual audit.

Certification Audit:

  • Schedule Audit: Schedule the certification audit with your chosen certification body.
  • Prepare for Audit: Ensure all documentation and records are up to date and readily accessible. Prepare your team for potential auditor questions.

Audit Day:

  • Conduct Audit: The auditor will assess your compliance with the BRCGS standard through document review, interviews, and site inspections.
  • Respond to Findings: If there are any non-conformities, work on addressing them promptly.

Certification Decision:

  • Receive Report: After the audit, the auditor will provide a report detailing findings and whether your company meets the BRCGS standard.
  • Certification Issued: If successful, you will receive the BRCGS certification. If there are non-conformities, you may need to undergo additional audits after addressing the issues.

Maintain Certification:

  • Continuous Improvement: Continually monitor and improve your processes to maintain compliance.
  • Surveillance Audits: Be prepared for regular surveillance audits by the certification body to ensure ongoing compliance.


By following these steps, a company can effectively prepare for and achieve BRCGS certification, demonstrating their commitment to quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.


What is BRCGS Certification?

BRCGS (Brand Reputation through Compliance Global Standards) certification is a globally recognized standard for food safety, packaging, storage, and distribution. It ensures that manufacturers and suppliers are adhering to the highest standards of safety, quality, and operational criteria.

Why is BRCGS Certification important for my business?

BRCGS certification helps improve your business's food safety practices, enhances your brand's reputation, and can increase market access by meeting the requirements of many global retailers and food service companies.

What are the main standards under BRCGS?

The main BRCGS standards include:

  • Food Safety
  • Packaging Materials
  • Storage and Distribution
  • Agents and Brokers
  • Consumer Products
  • Gluten-Free Certification Program
  • Plant-Based Certification

How do I start the process of getting BRCGS certified?

To start the process, you need to:

  1. Choose the appropriate BRCGS standard for your business.
  2. Conduct a gap analysis to identify areas needing improvement.
  3. Implement the necessary changes to meet the BRCGS requirements.
  4. Schedule an audit with a BRCGS-accredited certification body.

What is a gap analysis?

A gap analysis is an assessment of your current practices against the BRCGS standard requirements. It helps identify areas where your business does not yet meet the standard and requires improvements.

How long does the certification process take?

The duration of the certification process varies depending on your business's current compliance level and the complexity of the standard being implemented. It typically takes several months from initial assessment to certification.

What is involved in a BRCGS audit?

A BRCGS audit involves a thorough examination of your processes, procedures, and practices to ensure they meet the BRCGS standards. This includes reviewing documentation, observing operations, and interviewing staff.

How often are BRCGS audits conducted?

Initial certification audits are followed by annual surveillance audits to maintain certification. Full re-certification audits are typically conducted every three years.

What happens if my business does not pass the audit?

If your business does not pass the audit, the certification body will provide a report outlining non-conformities. You will need to address these issues and undergo a follow-up audit to achieve certification.

What are the costs associated with BRCGS certification?

The costs vary based on the size and complexity of your business, the standard being implemented, and the certification body’s fees. It includes costs for the audit, gap analysis, training, and any necessary improvements.

Can I choose any certification body for my BRCGS audit?

You must select a certification body that is accredited by BRCGS to conduct the audit. Accredited certification bodies have met the rigorous standards set by BRCGS for conducting audits.

How do I maintain my BRCGS certification?

To maintain your BRCGS certification, you must:

  • Continuously comply with the BRCGS standards.
  • Undergo annual surveillance audits.
  • Implement corrective actions for any non-conformities identified during audits.
Where can I find more information about BRCGS standards?

More information about BRCGS standards can be found on the official BRCGS website or by contacting an accredited certification body.

All consulting services are offered through ASI Training and Consulting, LLC. All activity is conducted separately from our accredited certification body, ASI Food Safety, LLC, in order to safeguard against any conflicts of interest.